Month: September 2012

Whooligans in Brooklyn

A blast. That’s the only way to explain this past Saturday. Despite the humidity and accompanying sweat, it was a great, great day.

For starters, it involved me heading into the city, which is a place I love to wander off to. My first stop was the ESPO (one of my favorites!) show at the Joshua Liner Gallery. Check out this article for more pictures and background on the show. I met a new friend there and we visited a few of the other displays at the gallery.
From there, we ventured to Brooklyn in search of the Doctor Who mural. We arrived at the mural, studied it, took pictures, laughed a bit. We saw other Whovians stop and take pictures. From there, we were to find The Way Station, a bar with an actual T.A.R.D.I.S. (okay, it’s a restroom, but still!). This was where our adventure really began. Basically, we wandered all over Brooklyn, chatting and giggling, and veering off our map’s path several times. As we both agreed, it’s a good sign of the company you’re keeping when you have a destination in mind but due to conversation you keep missing the proper streets to get you there. We did eventually find The Way Station, had a look around and snapped some shots of their T.A.R.D.I.S.

Famished by this point, we found a vegan (such a thrill to hang out with someone who is also vegetarian!) asian restaurant. We had yummy spring rolls, Pad Thai, and ice cream. The good conversation continued. We decided to venture back towards Manhattan, where I’d eventually have to get back on the train. My new friend brought me to Forbidden Planet, a massive comic book shop I’ve wanted to check out for years now. I was in awe of it, it’s really an awesome place. I’ll be visiting there again shortly and writing a stand-alone post on it (that is how amazing a comic book shop it is!). After wandering Forbidden Planet, it was time for me to catch a subway back home so we parted ways.

Some random shots from the day.

I’m looking forward to more fun days with, finally, an IRL fellow Whovian and all-around geek!