Month: October 2011

(I Hope) To Be An Explorer Of The World

Portable Life MuseumLet me start by saying, I love Keri Smith & her books. I first discovered them a couple of years back and in that time, they’ve been a staple for me when I need to buy a gift. They bring back a bit of play and wonder into our lives. Keri and her books dare you to think different, to act out in ways you may not have, and to do things you’ve never done. I don’t yet own this particular book of hers (it’s the only one not in my house), but it is on my list of ones to purchase. It just so happens to sum up my goal with this blog quite well.

I won’t be traveling non-stop, or going on amazing, blog-worthy adventures every day, but I am an explorer of the world. I want to do more and be more. I will share that all here. I suppose given my odd life circumstances (more on that later), I do get out and do more than one might think. And I’ve bigger plans in store for the coming months.

In the last few years, it’s become clearer to me that things are not what counts, it is experiences. So, I try hard to not waste my money on anything. I choose going somewhere over buying a something. It’s quite easy once you have that mindset. The money thrown away on a $20 knickknack here or $50 what-have-you there adds up quickly when it’s staying in your pocket instead. And there’s plenty for free out there as well! My experience thus far has been make some little changes, get big results.

There are certain gifts that have been given to me, art, and other things that do have meaning and are invaluable to me. I’m not saying that’s all things are pointless. Not at all. But I do know, if I had to give up every item in my possession today, I’d be okay with that so long as I had the people I care about with me. It’s the memories in my head that make me smile most. I’m filled with moments and memories. That is what counts, it’s what makes me content. I want more of them, I want more hugs, more kisses, more giggles, more cuddles, more oohs and aahs, more experiences, more adventures. I want to give my time to others and build memories with them more than anything else. So here’s to passion, adventures, and being an explorer of the world!

So here I am…

First posts are always a little awkward. Not as awkward for me as say a first date, but a little strange nonetheless. I’ve blogged in the past for advocacy issues, and then a personal update style blog geared just toward family & friends, and then finally, as life got turned upside down, I stopped it all. I maintained my online presence by way of Facebook & Twitter. I truly love Twitter. It’s all the information I want and need, it’s quick, I have friends with whom I only communicate with via Twitter; it just works that way. I’ve also on occasion met some new and really wonderful people on there.

From Twitter, I got into Tumblr. That’s just a fun stream-of-conscious image dump for me. I’m very visual, I rather love expressing myself in pictures, even better with funny animated gifs. It’s where I go late at night or mid-day for a little break. I also happen to post what I see here. Disclaimer: it’s not my finest work, simply snaps I take from my iPhone, on occasion my art or real photographs. It’s just the view from my world, and I rather like it.

Lately, I’ve been doing some work for a writer. I’m going to be meeting a lot in the industry–writers, illustrators, agents, and so on. I figured it’d be best to polish off the rust that’s accumulated on my writing skills. So here I am. This blog will be random, which is probably the best representation of me. I’ll let you in on a little secret: my blog name is a play on my initials. I’m not actually running from the law (not that I’d ever admit that if I was…haha). I do however venture here, there, and everywhere. So, that’s what this is here for. Me and my mild to wild adventures. I haven’t decided yet to what extent I will indulge in my personal life on my blog. Since I’ll be writing about my life & opinions, obviously bits and pieces of my personal life will come through no matter what. I’d prefer this place to be for me, the individual.

Well, as uncomfortable as this was, it could have been worse.